Melamine insulation cotton is widely used in the aerospace field. This material plays an i...
High-Speed Rail Anti-Freezing
In high-speed rail transport, melamine foam is widely used as the insulation and anti-free...
New Energy Battery Thermal Layer
Aerogel felt based on melamine foam matrix is an innovative solution in the new energy bat...
Pipe Insulation
In industrial production, various pipelines transporting media may have high or low temper...
Duct Silencing
In building air conditioning systems, ducts are channels for hot or cold air, but airflow ...
Sound Barrier Silencing
On highways and other traffic arteries, sound barriers are often constructed to reduce the...
Automotive Noise Reduction
In car interiors, engine noise and road friction can generate noise, affecting the ride ex...
Venue Acoustics
In stadiums, theaters, and other venues, acoustic treatment is often required to improve s...
Wind Tunnel Acoustics
Wind tunnels are used in the aerospace field to simulate airflow conditions under differen...
Vibration Control
In mechanical equipment and transportation tools, vibrations can affect equipment stabilit...
Air Conditioning Noise Reduction
Melamine foam plays an important role in air conditioning and fan noise reduction. It can ...
Installation Methods for Indoor Sound Absorbing Materials
Melamine foam sound absorbers are widely used in building acoustics to improve the acousti...